Slow Folk
Slow Folk Podcast - The rebellious side of Slow Living
A Love Letter to the Overwhelmed Entrepreneur

A Love Letter to the Overwhelmed Entrepreneur

From one sensitive solopreneur to another - keep going.

The Kitchen Sink Series from Slow Folk is a raw and imperfect podcast for rabble-rousers, dawdlers, late-bloomers and taboo-breakers, thirsty for a slower life in a world obsessed with speed.

Unscripted and unedited - straight from my kitchen sink.

This is a love letter to all the overwhelmed entrepreneurs.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, there are times when each of us hits a wall of fear, uncertainty and overwhelm.

As sensitive, introspective entrepreneurs striving to build businesses aligned with our values, waves of overwhelm can feel like signs from the universe that we’re on the wrong track.

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But what if they’re not?

What if, instead of signs that we need to turn back, those pangs of overwhelm and fear are simply symptoms of doing something brave?

What if they are actually a natural, normal and necessary part of living a big, juicy life?

How might our choices change if we could see our fear through the lense of growth? If we acknowledged that growth is messy and often painful?

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn't understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”

―Cynthia Occelli

Don’t misinterpret the messages from the universe. If you are tired, rest, but don’t quit.

Stacey Langford is a writer, renegade farmer and slow business mentor living and working in Canada’s Fraser Valley. In 2010 Stacey ditched her cubicle in the city to turn her attention homeward, farm and help others craft a simple life, from scratch.

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Slow Folk
Slow Folk Podcast - The rebellious side of Slow Living
Slow Living for REAL Life. Embracing imperfection + the pursuit of enough.