Slow Folk
Slow Folk Podcast - The rebellious side of Slow Living
Return on Attention | The Kitchen Sink Series

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Return on Attention | The Kitchen Sink Series

What if we measured ROA - Return on Attention as a KPI just like ROI?

The Kitchen Sink Series from Slow Folk is a raw and imperfect podcast for rabble-rousers, dawdlers, late-bloomers and taboo-breakers, thirsty for a slower life in a world obsessed with speed.

Unscripted and unedited - straight from my kitchen sink.

This is a free preview of The Kitchen Sink Series, part of our paid community. To get full access to future episodes, please join us inside.

The most powerful part of embracing Slow Living is learning to ask more beautiful questions.

Questions rooted in our values, in curiosity, in love - rather than judgement or shame.

To ask them without expectation, but simply knowing that in asking them, in examining our lives through the lense of slowness with compassion and curiosity, we will tap into the wisdom that lies deep in our bellies.

The wisdom most of us can’t hear because our lives are overrun with noise, busyness, other’s expectations and simply too much, too fast.

Slowness has taught me, above all, to value my attention.

Our attention is our most valuable resource. Where goes our attention, so goes our life.

And yet, for most of us, our precious, finite attention has been hijacked by

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Slow Folk
Slow Folk Podcast - The rebellious side of Slow Living
Slow Living for REAL Life. Embracing imperfection + the pursuit of enough.