Well said. It comes down to our mindset and just taking the opportunity to slow down throughout our day, regardless of how simple and small those moments may seem.

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Yep. Many of us tend to tell ourselves the little moments don't count if it's not some grand gesture, and I just don't believe that's true. Those tiny moments are small wins that give us courage to take even bigger leaps towards the life we want and deserve.

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An amazing reminder. Breathe slow, deep and mindfully ❤️

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Thanks. Glad it found you.

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I inadvertently did this (chose a slower life) when I decided to move from Atlanta back to New York. To get away from a car based, party, always (or a more frequently) warm culture and back to the slowness of trains (giving me time to read and daydream during my commute), still party, sure, but the multiple opportunities to sit quiet in a park or spend a day lazily floating from gallery to gallery alone, and the stern silent stillness that comes with the brick cold winter months.

It has slowly morphine dripped into every aspect of my life with steady increasing regularity.

Be that switching off the tube and putting the phone down to read/write or early morning runs thru my neighborhood or whatever park/neighborhood I choose to visit that particular day.

I must say I feel more accomplished and focused than I have in quite a while.

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I am so happy I came across this page. I am working hard to find slowness after burnout and so much of it for me is rewiring my nervous system to feel safe when I start slowing down. How most of my life I have just been in constant pursuit of achievements, wanting more and more, and never feeling good enough. I look forward to reading more of your work.

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Beautiful, thanks for this. Hello from the far east coast!

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Slow living is the best way to live. It truly is a mindset.

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Sure is. Not an easy path but a worthwhile one to be sure.


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