:) what a lovely piece

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Thanks for saying so.

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Beautiful :) Thank you for this! Love the quote by Rumi...do you have a favorite book by him?

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I have a collection that I dip into from time to time. Love him.

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We have a similar thing about birds around our spaces, They come womderfully close. Who they are we don't know but they are our kindred spirits, sharing this planet for a time. I love the awareness of existence with the living things around us......and that takes time, being still, with eyes, ears and hearts open. There is so much there.......

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Mum said she would come back as a hummingbird . . . Have had some magical moments with them on the farm - one summer one would come and just hover at eye level for ages while I watered the garden.

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wow, that's lovely. We have these native birds in Aotearoa NZ called Fantails, but 1st nation name = piwakawaka as in pee wharkawharka the wh sounding as in whip. They are really lovely little birds, they come in close to catch wee things you disturb in passing that they can eat. Hummingbirds are beautiful....

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Beautiful words. Unclench... unclench... I have to remind myself over and over again. X

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Right there with you. xo

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Stacey, "Maybe that’s why I resist the pull towards too-much that envelops us all during the season. This shard of darkness, of quiet stillness, is too fleeting, too fragile. I grip it tight, even knowing it will pierce my skin." - absolutely beautiful. D

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Thanks Dave. Appreciate you being here.

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